Parakeet Enrichment: How to Keep Your Budgie Mentally and Physically Engaged

by jay | Posted on April 28th, 2023

Parakeets, also known as budgies, are delightful feathered companions that bring joy and liveliness to our homes. However, like any pet, they require more than just basic care. To ensure the well-being and happiness of your parakeet, it’s crucial to provide them with mental and physical enrichment.

In this article, we will explore the importance of parakeet enrichment and discuss various strategies to keep your budgie mentally and physically engaged.


Why is Parakeet Enrichment Important?

Parakeet enrichment plays a vital role in keeping these intelligent birds happy and healthy. Just like dogs and cats, parakeets have a need for daily mental and physical stimulation. When they lack sufficient enrichment, they can become bored, stressed, and exhibit negative behaviors.

These behaviors may include feather plucking, excessive vocalization, and increased fearfulness of people. In extreme cases, parakeets may become moody, depressed, anxious, and withdrawn. By providing appropriate enrichment activities, we can prevent these issues and promote their overall well-being.

Visual Enrichment

Visual stimulation is essential for parakeets, as they originate from tropical or subtropical areas teeming with lush plants, vibrant flowers, and wildlife. To recreate a visually stimulating environment for your budgie, consider the following tips:

  • Place the cage on a table or furniture that allows for some elevation, enabling your parakeet to observe its surroundings and reduce feelings of vulnerability when the cage is on the floor.
  • Situate the cage in a room with regular traffic flow, allowing your parakeet to observe your comings and goings. However, avoid placing the cage in areas that are excessively busy or noisy.
  • Incorporate several perches at different heights and angles within the cage to offer your parakeet various viewpoints.
  • Make the cage environment interesting by adding branches, leaves, and wreaths.
  • Provide a selection of brightly colored toys to capture your parakeet’s attention and engage their visual senses.

Auditory Enrichment

While parakeets are primarily visual creatures, their hearing is their second most relied-upon sense. Therefore, providing auditory enrichment is essential for their overall stimulation. Here are some ways to incorporate auditory enrichment for your parakeet:

  • Play soft and soothing music for your feathered friend, such as classical music without lyrics, natural sounds like rainforest noises, folk songs, or chiming bells. Avoid heavy instruments like drums, as they can be frightening for parakeets.
  • Play YouTube videos specifically created for parakeets, which can provide both auditory and visual enrichment.
  • Engage in conversations with your parakeet. They enjoy the sound of your voice and interacting with you.

Some parakeets may even enjoy dancing along to music, providing them with a fun workout and additional stimulation.

Foraging and Food-Based Enrichment

Foraging activities and food-based enrichment are excellent ways to keep your parakeet mentally engaged and tap into their natural instincts. Here are some ideas to incorporate foraging and food-based enrichment:

  • Weave leafy green vegetables through the bars of your parakeet’s cage, providing them with an opportunity to forage and enjoy their food.
  • Create fruit and vegetable kebabs and hang them from the ceiling of your parakeet’s cage, encouraging them to engage in a rewarding foraging experience.
  • Make a DIY foraging box filled with shredded paper, toilet rolls, egg cartons, and other items. Hide food within the box, challenging your parakeet to search and retrieve the hidden treats.
  • Smear almond butter on pine cones and place them around your parakeet’s cage. They will enjoy picking at the almond butter and exploring the textured surface of the pine cones.
  • Create a food foraging trail by scattering food items on the floor of your parakeet’s cage, encouraging them to hop around and search for their meals.
  • Hide food inside puzzle boxes or toys that require your parakeet to solve a problem or manipulate objects to release the treats​

Remember that foraging activities don’t always have to be food-based. You can also provide your parakeet with opportunities for mental stimulation through creative DIY toys. For example:

  • Drill holes in a PVC tube and stuff it with popsicle sticks that your parakeet can dig out.
  • Place beads and buttons in a box for your parakeet to explore and manipulate.
  • Make a wreath out of leather strips or cotton that your feathered friend can unravel, providing both a tactile and mental challenge.

Environmental Enrichment

Creating an enriched environment is essential for the well-being of your parakeet. Consider the following environmental enrichment ideas:

  • Provide several perches of different sizes and place them at various heights and angles within the cage. This allows your parakeet to exercise their feet and enjoy different perspectives.
  • Install ladders in the cage to encourage climbing and exploration.
  • Include swings in the cage for your parakeet to play on, providing both physical and mental stimulation.
  • Offer a variety of toys, including puzzle options, to keep your parakeet engaged and entertained. However, avoid using mirror toys as they can cause confusion and stress for your parakeet, who may mistake their reflection for another bird.

By ensuring a safe, secure, and stimulating environment for your parakeet, you create an atmosphere that promotes their overall well-being and encourages natural behaviors.


Parakeet enrichment is essential for keeping your budgie mentally and physically engaged. By providing visual and auditory stimulation, incorporating foraging and food-based activities, and creating an enriched environment, you can ensure that your parakeet remains happy, healthy, and free from boredom-related behaviors. Remember to observe your budgie’s preferences and adapt the enrichment activities to suit their individual needs. With a well-enriched environment, your budgie will thrive and bring you endless joy and companionship.


I am not an expert, just passionate. I own a Parakeet and I have been in your shoes. If you are currently looking for information, I've done the research and that is the reason why I created this website.