Your Parakeet’s Fruit Feast: A Guide to Healthy Treats

by jay | Updated on June 3rd, 2023

As a seasoned parakeet owner and avian enthusiast, I understand the importance of enriching your bird’s diet with a variety of nutritious fruits. After all, just like us, our feathered companions appreciate diverse flavors and nutrients in their daily meals. Let’s delve into the wonderful world of fruits your parakeet can safely enjoy.

Apple Amusement

Many parakeets adore the satisfying crunch of apples. When serving, remember to slice the apple into manageable pieces, removing the core and seeds, which can be harmful to your bird. While apples are perfectly safe, remember that balance is key. Your parakeet’s diet should be a mix of various fruits such as oranges, bananas, grapes, coconut, pineapple, mango, apricots, cherries, and tangerines.

sliced watermelons on top of chopping board

Orange Offerings

Oranges, with their sweet and slightly tangy taste, are loved by many parakeets. They’re an excellent source of vitamins C, A, and B, and are packed with potassium and dietary fiber. However, due to their relative acidity, moderation is essential when feeding oranges to your parakeet.

Banana Banquet

Safe and nutrition-rich, bananas make for an excellent parakeet treat. They provide important vitamins and minerals, along with antioxidants, similar to other fruits such as grapes, oranges, peaches, and blueberries. Parakeets adore bananas, so it’s a surefire way to bring joy to snack time!

Grape Gala

Grapes are a delightful addition to your parakeet’s diet. These juicy, sweet fruits are non-toxic and often favored by our feathered friends. Even better, seedless grapes present a safe option for your pet parakeet. Packed with essential nutrients, grapes (and their dehydrated variant, raisins) make a fantastic parakeet treat.

Coconut Carnival

A powerhouse of nutrition, coconut brings essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber to your parakeet’s diet. Parakeets can enjoy the flesh, drink the water, and benefit from the oil. Whether it’s fresh coconut or coconut chips, this king of fruits is a sure hit among parakeets!

Pineapple Party

Pineapple is a sweet treat your parakeet will enjoy, although its high sugar content necessitates occasional feeding. With a plethora of vitamin C and other essential nutrients, it’s a great addition to your bird’s diet.

Mango Merriment

Mango, with its wealth of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, is a fantastic fruit for parakeets. Whether fresh or dried (provided they are organic, unsulfured, and without added sweeteners), mangos make a wonderful, albeit occasional, treat.

Apricot Affair

Apricots, minus the toxic pit, make an excellent parakeet snack. They, like apples and cherries, are packed with necessary nutrients and vitamins. Just ensure any dried fruit you serve is organic, unsulfured, and free from added sweeteners. Other fruits, like nectarines, bananas, mangoes, papaya, apples, and apricots, make safe, delicious treats when seeds or pits are removed and given in moderation.

Cherry Celebration

Cherries, rich in vitamins and minerals, make a delightful, healthy treat for parakeets. When serving, ensure you remove the pit to avoid choking or digestive issues. And, as with all fruits, moderation is the golden rule.

Tasty Tangerines, Marvelous Melons, and Brilliant Blackberries

Tangerines, melons, and blackberries also make wonderful parakeet treats. With their sweet, citrusy flavor, tangerines often become parakeet favorites. Many parakeets also love melons such as cantaloupe and honeydew. Blackberries, packed with vitamins and minerals, are the perfect size for a parakeet treat.

Watermelon Wonders and Blueberry Bliss

Watermelon and blueberries are fantastic choices for your parakeet. Watermelon, mostly composed of water, serves as a hydrating treat – perfect for parakeets who can easily dehydrate. However, limit your parakeet to a ¾ cup of juice. Blueberries, packed with crucial nutrients and vitamins, are a ‘superfood’ for your bird. Both watermelon and blueberries bring myriad health benefits, making them key players in a balanced diet.

In conclusion, a variety of fruits can enrich your parakeet’s diet, adding essential vitamins, minerals, and flavors. Just remember that moderation and variety are vital in offering a balanced diet for your pet. And always ensure fruits are properly prepared – seedless, pitless, and in manageable pieces. Feeding your parakeet a rainbow of fruit will not only keep them healthy, but it’ll also keep them happy!


I am not an expert, just passionate. I own a Parakeet and I have been in your shoes. If you are currently looking for information, I've done the research and that is the reason why I created this website.